Career Resource Centre
If you are interested in the OSS career programs (Work Experience, Career Prep, SSA, ACE IT) or require more information, please contact Mr. B. Turnbull. [email protected] or 250 485-4433.
If you are interested in the OSS career programs (Work Experience, Career Prep, SSA, ACE IT) or require more information, please contact Mr. B. Turnbull. [email protected] or 250 485-4433.
The primary goal of Work Experience is to help students prepare for the transition from secondary school to the world of work. Through work experience, students have the opportunity to observe and practice generic employability skills required in the workplace, as well as technical and applied skills relating to specific occupations or industries. Work Experience also helps to... connect what they learn in the classroom with the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed in the workplace; ... gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be successful in the world of work; develop job readiness skills for specific occupations and careers; understand the similarities and differences in behaviour standards between the workplace and school. Through Work Experience 12 the student will cover many learning outcomes including Workplace Health and Safety, how to Secure and Maintain Work, how to Apply to a Workplace and be directly involved in the Education necessary for Career Planning. In Work Experience 12 students are required to complete 100 hours of related work experience, and also required to complete 25 hours of related career and work experience related course material.
The main goal of the Secondary School Apprenticeship is to allow students to begin apprenticeship training as part of their secondary school education program. SSA also provides students with a smooth transition from school to work, and an earlier start to certificating in a trade; enhances students' existing trade-specific job readiness skills, or provides opportunities for the development of new skills; provides students with access to up-to-date technical training that may not be available in secondary school; helps prepare students to enter the world of work with the skills, attitudes, and sense of responsibility necessary to be successful; encourages students to pursue academic goals and to graduate; facilitates students' understanding of the similarities and differences in behaviour standards between the workplace and school. Like Work Experience 12, SSA involves the student in Workplace Health and Safety, Securing and Maintaining Work, Workplace Application and Education and Career Planning. A student in the SSA program may receive 16 credits / 4 courses: SSA 11A, SSA 11B, SSA 12A and SSA 12B from SSA training toward graduation. A student in this program is eligible for a $1000 scholarship after graduation, and can obtain 480 hours of paid apprenticeship training before graduation.
ACE IT is an industry certification program for BC secondary school students, partnering with the ITA (Industry Training Authority) and British Columbia's Ministry of Education. The ACE IT program complements Secondary School Apprenticeship. The ACE IT program enables students to earn both graduation credits and credit for the first level of technical training associated with an Industry Training Program or apprenticeship (dual credit).. Through work experience placements, they can also earn credit towards the on-the-job component of an Industry Training Program. This an opportunity for high school students to get a head start on earning their credentials in one of the more than 100 trades or industry occupations that are accredited or recognized by the Industry Training Authority (ITA).
Students interested in signing up for these courses and programs are encouraged to check out the Career Preparation Component at School District 53's Web Site...